Monster Magnet – Last Patrol
Released: October 15th, 2013
Label: Napalm Records
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monster magnet last patrolI will always attribute quality “stoner rock” to Monster Magnet. I’m not sure if it has something to do with the point in my life when I was introduced to Monster Magnet or what. It was the classic case of a friend playing Dopes to Infinity for me and instantly being hooked. I’ve stuck with the band ever since. Now we find Monster Magnet releasing their ninth studio album Last Patrol. It’s nine tracks of heavy, psychedelic stoner rock that will have you stomping your feet and banging your head.

Many of the tracks on Last Patrol harken back to the style Monster Magnet started with on their debut album Spine of God. They’ve toned down the chugging metal sound a bit and created an album that’s a (little) more psychedelic rock in nature.

Things start off slow and almost sludgy with the first track “I Live Behind The Clouds“. The track starts off simple enough with nothing but a single guitar and lead singer Dave Wyndorf’s hypnotic vocals. Things suddenly kick into heavy gear about halfway through with catchy drum rhythms and hypnotic guitar riffs.

Monster Magnet wastes no time getting into their signature rock groove with the track “Last Patrol“. The track never gets super heavy, but hangs on to a catchy psychedelic, almost outer space vibe. “End of Time” is similar but speeds the tempo up significantly and rocks out in true Monster Magnet fashion.

With the track “Hallelujah“, Monster Magnet switches things around slightly. They go for a more bluesy, heavy rock groove with touches of psychedelic atmosphere. The drumming on this track will easily have you stomping your feet.

Mindless Ones” is probably the fastest and heaviest track of the bunch. With a sound similar in style to something from their Power Trip album, “Mindless Ones” keeps the beats steady, and tempo fast. It continues to build in speed and chaos until things explode at the end.

Monster Magnet includes a cover song on Last Patrol as well. This time around they do a rather nice rendition of Donovan’s song “Three Kingfishers.” They do an excellent job of keeping the trippy, psychedelic vibe of the original while adding the signature Monster Magnet heaviness.

With Last Patrol we find Monster Magnet doing what they do best; creating some excellent groove filled “stoner rock”. As always, Monster Magnet does not disappoint on Last Patrol. The music is the Monster Magnet we all know and love but things are changed up enough to keep it interesting.


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